Frequently Asked Questions 

Our patients are constantly asking questions concerning a variety of subjects involving their oral health. So, we have provided a list of common questions and answers especially for you. If the question you have is not on our list, please feel free to either call or ask us in person. We would love to help you! You can also check out the Canadian Dental Association’s FAQ section of their website.

Please note that a dentist will always answer our emergency line.
To more easily navigate this page, choose from the following list to see the answer to your question.

How do I know when it's time to come in for a checkup?

An average, healthy adult person typically benefits from a professional cleaning and checkup every six months. While twice daily brushing and daily flossing go a long way towards maintaining a healthy mouth, it is wise to check for plaque that has hardened into tartar, requiring professional cleaning to avoid gingivitis.

Do you accept my insurance plan?

Our office accepts nearly all of the major insurance plans. Also, we’re well versed in the latest coverage trends, and are more than happy to discuss the particulars of your plan with you prior to any treatments you may undergo.

My child has had an accident and his/her tooth has been entirely knocked out. What do I do?

It is important to ensure that there is no imminent medical emergency such as uncontrolled bleeding, unconsciousness or other bodily injury. If any of these apply, please go straight to the nearest hospital emergency unit. If none of the above applies, please contact us immediately by calling 867-669-0003 to see a dentist as soon as possible. After hours, call our Emergency Care Line at 867-669-1796. Simply describe the situation over the phone and our office staff will help you determine the safest and most appropriate plan of action.

What precautions do you take to ensure patient safety?

Our entire practice team is well trained in state-of-the-art sanitation techniques designed to ensure patient safety. This goes beyond wearing gloves and facemasks to prevent passing germs and includes a specialized sanitation center and a water filtration system guaranteeing a fresh water source for each patient. Our clinic utilizes all universal precautions as required by the Federal Government of Canada. We also regularly train our staff to ensure all policies are followed.

I really don't like visiting the dentist. Is there anything you can do to help me relax?

We understand many people have qualms about having their teeth worked on, so we strive to create a relaxing atmosphere. For entertainment and distraction, we have a TV available in all rooms so you can keep your mind on more pleasant things. And for the more complex procedures, we also offer laughing gas (nitrous oxide) and local anesthesia to keep you comfortable and relaxed. Our clinic is designed to provide you with an atmosphere of peace and gentleness. It is always our aim to treat you as the most important person in our clinic.

What is smile analysis?

A smile analysis determines the proper aesthetics with relationship to your facial symmetry, lip line and phonetics. Each person has a unique "perfect" smile; one proportional and flattering to your face. And with smile analysis, we can show you what your best smile can look like.

My spouse snores and keeps me up at night. I have heard a dentist might be able to prescribe an appliance that prevents snoring. Can you help?

Snoring is tough on any relationship! And since it can be caused by a number of factors, we encourage you to have your spouse come in for a consultation and analysis. In some cases, a person may actually stop breathing for short periods during the night, a condition called sleep apnea. During sleep, the throat area relaxes, allowing these structures to collapse against one another and obstruct clear airflow. In the latter situation, we can prescribe and fit a special appliance called a ‘snore-guard,’ which gently holds the mouth and throat in an open forward position during relaxed sleep and thus prevents snoring. Many different kinds of appliances are available for persistent snoring. However, we always recommend a proper sleep analysis before you start an appliance.

What do I do if I have an emergency when the office is closed?

In case of a true dental emergency, please contact our Emergency Care line at 867-669-1796.

What should I do before I get to you in a dental emergency?

Acute Jaw Injury
If you cannot move your jaw or it hurts when you close your mouth normally, your jaw may be broken, fractured or dislocated. Go to the closest hospital emergency room and contact our dentist.


There are many possible reasons for a toothache – do not ignore tooth pain, as it will often worsen and become more difficult to treat.

  1. See your dentist as soon as possible.
  2. Over-the-counter pain killers or aspirin may alleviate pain.
  3. Do not use ice.
  4. Do not place aspirin on the tooth.

Broken Tooth

Broken or fractured teeth range from mild to severe. Make a dental appointment to repair a minor fracture, as we can smooth the damage. This is not an emergency. If you see damage to the tooth enamel, dentin and pulp, this is a moderate fracture -- see us as soon as possible and – if possible – place a piece of soft wax on the damaged tooth until you get here. A severe fracture is a dental emergency; come see us as soon as possible! Call 867-669-0003 during the day or after hours call our Emergency Care line at 867-669-1796.

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